It may seem strange that someone handed you a pamphlet (or reading this online) that you may have never met before, but I can assure you that I am not selling you anything!
In fact, this message cannot be bought or sold with money.
I only would like to share with you something I believe will be of great benefit to you, if you are willing to hear.
When I was a teenager, I said to my stepfather while exiting the pew at church, “If God is real, why doesn’t He just come down and tell us what He wants?”
My stepfather didn’t know how to answer, except to hint that God’s existence is self-evident; meaning that when we look at outer-space, and the beauties of the mountains, sky, and natural wonders, it is quite clear that there must have been an Intelligent Mind behind the creation of the world—Most people have believed for the last 2000 years that the Mind behind it all is God Himself: The Word of God, who was with God the Father in the beginning, and is also God: Jesus Christ.
Look at the watch on your wrist. Do not assume it came by random chance, but rather that a watchmaker carefully put together the pieces in order for the machine to work.
When you see a beautiful painting, even though the artist may not have signed their name, you know there was a mind behind the creativity and beauty of the piece of art… it did not come out of nothing.
The first step for you to believe in God is to overcome the doubt in your mind that it’s not self-evident that He exists.
Most people acknowledge that God exists, or they might say it’s a personless “Higher Power” or “The Universe”… but that is an ancient form of worship that viewed the created world as a type of God, when that is not true.
The created world cannot sustain our existence (hence we die), but God can: if we are willing to listen to His voice and follow Him.
Perhaps you have had your fair share of disappointing life events, and perhaps you’ve even blamed God for them in the past (or maybe not).
Although we don’t know all the reasons why bad things happen to us or our loved ones, it doesn't change the fact that God knows, and He created all things: including you.
You may scoff at this, but he continues to let you breathe.
If you rely on the internet to find God (or your own human reasoning)... the lyric may come true of John Mayer who said, "And when you trust your television, What you get is what you got, Cause when they own the information... They can bend it all they want.”
God has always existed and Jesus Christ, His Son, suffered and died for all humanity, taking on all of our sufferings, and then on the third day rose from the dead, defeating all the evil spiritual forces in the world so we could be joined to God and be healed of our pain and suffering, and one day never die ourselves.
Jesus really existed, because there is no other ancient historical person that we have more written evidence that existed, even outside of religious source material, compared to any other person of antiquity.
There are hundreds of thousands of ancient manuscripts describing the life of Jesus and His early followers, whereas there are only dozens of copies of certain Greek philosophers or writers of antiquity (like Plato, Socrates, and others).
Most of the writings about Jesus were written by eyewitnesses, which is the strongest form of testimony, still used today in our courts of law.
There should be no doubt that Jesus existed and that the people of His time saw many miracles that He performed, His greatest one being that He died on a cross for our sins, and rose from the dead a few days later!
Jesus predicted that the entire known world would hear His message eventually because his twelve disciples and their closest followers went out and shared this good news across the world at that time (Jn. 17:20-23). These men were often uneducated, poor, and had no political influence.
Most Christians were persecuted in the first 3 centuries after Jesus rose from the dead, but Jesus’ prediction came true when the Roman Empire became Christian, and Christianity became the most far reaching message in the world.
How exactly did this message spread so rapidly when the early Christians were persecuted, and everyone who shared the message did so without getting fame, riches, or worldly comfort, and instead often died as martyrs? It’s because God was behind it all, empowering these weak men to perform miracles and more and more common people came to experience God’s Spirit and the forces of evil couldn’t overcome it.
Now, currently, Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of God His Father, and He will come back again to judge every single human being’s actions. Everything you have ever done, or I have ever done, even things we have done or thought in secret, will be revealed. Nothing will remain hidden. God will judge us all, and it will be a very scary day! But we can have hope as long as we seek after Him.
How might we do that?
I recommend attending an Eastern Orthodox Church and speaking to the priest there to learn more about the Christian faith.
There are many “churches” out there, but not all of them have the true teaching of Jesus Christ, and many of those churches have false messages and spirits of demons rather than the true Holy Spirit, which will give you the fullest true peace, joy, and satisfaction in God.
Perhaps you just needed someone to remind you that God loves you, He knows what you’ve been through, and He hasn’t forgotten about you. If I’ve been able to help you realize that, then I will rejoice when God embraces you and heals you in His time!
If you have no interest in seeking after God right now, then I pray that when the time comes in the future that God reminds you he’s near to you (yes, nearer than you realize!), you remember what you read in this pamphlet today.
God bless you, and I hope to see you at church!